NIHRC Response to Call for Views: Domestic Abuse Strategy and Equally Safe Strategy – A Strategy to Tackle Violence against Women and Girls
Date produced March 2022.
Below is a summary of the recommendations.
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The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission recommends:
2.23 that the NI Executive and Departments consider and take into account the Victims’ Directive and Protocol Article 2 during the development and implementation of both Strategies.
3.3 that the NI Executive and Departments reference specifically the relevant human rights standards.
3.5 the NI Executive and relevant Departments ensure that both strategies have dedicated ring-fenced funding that lasts the lifetime of each strategy.
3.11 reconsideration of a gender-neutral approach to the Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy and ensure the strategy includes specialised, gender-sensitive accessible support and actions for victims of domestic and sexual abuse.
3.15 that the NI Executive develop the Equally Safe Strategy to specifically address violence against women and girls perpetrated by men without further delay.
3.18 that the NI Executive and Departments ensure that both strategies address online gender-based violence, and are adaptable to take account of such developments.
3.22 the NI Executive and Departments ensure both strategies include measures to target marginalised and vulnerable women and girls.
3.24 the strategies include measures to improve the collection of disaggregated data on domestic and sexual abuse and gender-based violence.

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