NIHRC response to the Committee for Health's Call to Evidence on the Adoption and Children Bill
Last Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Date produced October 2021
Below is a summary of the recommendations/messages
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- welcomes the proposed reforms which follow on from the UN Convention on the Rights Committee’s specific recommendation to update adoption legislation in NI in accordance with international human rights obligations.
- continues to recommend that the Bill outlines in detail specific measures to be taken to ensure non-discrimination against same-sex couples and individuals in the adoption process. The Commission recommends that clear and comprehensive revised guidance be issued and effectively publicised by the Department outlining the current state of the law for the benefit of those involved in the adoption process, either as employees or as prospective adoptive parents.
- recommends that the Department of Health allocate appropriate resources to ensure the availability of short break services across all Trust areas. Statutory guidance should be developed to ensure consistency and promote accountability. Guidance should be produced in consultation with children with disabilities, their parents and guardians, carers and any other relevant stakeholders.
- recommends that the Committee requests a more detailed breakdown of resource allocation from the Department, which outlines the methods by which proposed measures are to be adequately funded to ensure that the reforms can be effectively implemented to meet the human rights standards and policy aims identified.

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