NI Human Rights Commission Submission to Department of Justice Consultation on the Draft Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Strategy
Date produced January 2023.
Below is a summary of the recommendations.
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The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission:
2.4 recommends that the Department of Justice ensure that Protocol Article 2 is built into and considered actively during the development and implementation of legislation and policy on modern slavery and human trafficking, to ensure there is no diminution to the rights and safeguards which fall within its scope.
3.4 welcomes the objectives under the PURSUE Strand and recommends that the Department of Justice prioritises legislation providing for Slavery and Trafficking Risk Orders and the Duty to Notify for prompt consideration by an incoming NI Executive.
4.8 recommends that the commitments under Strand 2 explicitly ensure the provision of specialist support is available for all victims of modern slavery and human trafficking, and is appropriately tailored to take account of age, gender and culture.
4.9 recommends that the commitments under Strand 2 specify that the compulsory training and guidance provided to practitioners is trauma-informed and appropriately tailored to take account of age, gender and culture.
4.11 recommends that Strand 2 includes actions to ensure that all communications targeted at victims of modern slavery and human trafficking are fully accessible and aimed at reducing fear and improving engagement. This should include regular consultation with victims, through representative organisations where appropriate, to improve understanding about what barriers victims face and what victims’ specific protection needs are.
4.13 recommends that Strand 2 includes specific cross-departmental actions to ensure victims of modern slavery and human trafficking have effective access to employment, education, housing and social security, in order to build their resilience and reduce the likelihood of re-trafficking.
4.19 recommends that Strand 2 includes specific actions aimed at improving the understanding and identification of child victims and potential victims of modern slavery and trafficking in all its forms in NI. This includes ensuring an awareness of the specific safeguarding interventions in accordance with a victim’s identified needs.
4.20 recommends that Strand 2 includes a specific commitment on supporting the recovery of a child victim of human trafficking and modern slavery, to ensure that all affected children have access to necessary supports, such as specialist mental health services, education, and accommodation.
4.21 recommends that the Department of Justice closely considers the findings of the NI Affairs Committee inquiry into paramilitary activity and organised crime in NI and monitors any relevant recommendations through the annual reports to ensure child trafficking concerns are subject to multi-agency discussion and co-ordination.
4.26 recommends that the Department of Justice continue to assess the implications of the Nationality and Borders Act and ensure that it prioritises a victim-centred and trauma-informed approach to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking in NI.
5.6 recommends that Strand 3 includes explicit actions for preventative measures that target those most at risk of modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes ensuring that other NI Executive strategies and initiatives aimed at tackling the causes of poverty and inequality, including gender inequality, take account of modern slavery and human trafficking.

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