Bringing Disability Rights Home
Bringing Disability Rights Home
30th January 2018 -
The Vice Chairperson of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will speak at a conference in Stormont on Tuesday 30 January 2018, to highlight United Nations concerns about the levels of protection offered to people with disabilities in Northern Ireland including social welfare protections and gaps in equality law protections.
Coomaravel Pyaneandee will address the conference entitled, “Bringing Disability Rights Home: Realising the UNCRPD in Northern Ireland”, in Stormont’s Long Gallery.
The Conference - organised by the Equality Commission and the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission – is discussing the Committee’s Concluding Observations about the UK’s compliance with the Convention. It will also hear from speakers from both Commissions, the Department for Communities, Disability Action, disabled people led organisations, and the QUB Disability Research Network.
The UN Committee on the Rights of Disabilities has identified key gaps in the implementation of the UN Convention of Rights for Disabled People in Northern Ireland. It highlights a lack of initiatives to address the inclusion of people with disabilities and issues around their living conditions. It also expresses concerns about the transition from Disability Living Allowance to Personal Independence Payment, and the unjustified sanctioning of people with disabilities.
“It is of great concern that the UK Government has indicated it will not be taking any action to address the findings and recommendations of this UN report”, Dr Michael Wardlow, Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission said. “That is very troubling for everyone concerned by the disadvantage and very real hardship which the changes in welfare arrangements are already causing to a vulnerable and hard-pressed section of our community”.
“We must press the government to take action on foot of the UN Committee’s recommendations. Many of the issues it has raised echo matters that we and the other equality and human rights bodies across the UK have been calling for action on. It is imperative that we all work together to press Government to implement the recommendations”, concluded Dr Wardlow.
Les Allamby, Chief Commissioner of the NI Human Rights Commission stated:
“The UK Government has sought to encourage persons with disabilities into work. However, the Committee raised concerns that this is not being realised in practice. The employment rate for people with disabilities in Northern Ireland is way behind comparative rates for people without disabilities in the UK. In addition, the employment rate for people with disabilities also compares very badly with the employment rate for people without disabilities. This is a double whammy in Northern Ireland.
“The Committee further identified that persons with disabilities are experiencing significant hardship - including financial, material and psychological - when undergoing social security assessments. The Independent Mechanism will be meeting with the Minister for Disabilities to
discuss the Committee’s report and implementation of their recommendations.”
For further information please contact Kelly McGinley,
Communications Officer, 028 9089 0862 or email
Note to Editor
The concluding observations (pdf) by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with a Disability which identified key gaps in the implementation of Convention rights in Northern Ireland.
Conference Programme
Venue: The Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast
10.30am Welcome & Introduction
Kellie Armstrong MLA, Alliance Party
William Gamble, Northern Ireland Equality Commission
10.35am Opening Statement
John McCallister, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Event Chair
10.40am The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Coomaravel Pyaneandee - Vice-Chair UNCRPD Committee
11.00am The Programme for Government: Persons with Disabilities and Human Rights
Bernie Rooney, Director of Social Inclusion Policy Division, Department for Communities, on behalf of the NI Executive
11.20am Implementing the Convention: Questions from the floor
Coomaravel Pyaneandee - Vice-Chair UNCRPD Committee
Bernie Rooney, Department for Communities
11.40pm Break
12.00pm Independent Mechanism NI: Monitoring the Convention
William Gamble, Northern Ireland Equality Commissioner
John McCallister, Northern Ireland Human Rights Commissioner
12.20pm Disability Sector Alternative Report
Karen Hall, Disability Action, Assistant Director External Relations & Policy
Patrick Malone, Disability Action, Public Affairs & Engagement Officer
12.40pm Lunch
13.10pm An Academic perspective
Dr Bronagh Byrne, Co-Chair, QUB Disability Research Network
13.30pm Disabled People Led Organisation Perspectives
Tony O’Reilly, North West Forum of People with Disabilities
David McDonald, Chair of The Omnibus Partnership
13.50 pm Summary of UNCRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations
Coomaravel Pyaneandee, Vice-Chair UNCRPD Committee
14.20pm Q & A Panel and Plenary
Panel Chair: William Gamble, Northern Ireland Equality Commissioner
Panel: David McDonald (Omnibus Partnership); Tony O’Reilly (NWFPD); Bronagh Byrne (QUB); Colin Caughey (NIHRC);Paul Noonan (ECNI); Karen Hall (Disability Action); Coomaravel Pyaneandee (UNCRPD).
15:00pm Close