NI Human Rights Commission - Draft Strategic Plan 2019 - 2022 Consultation
21 Dec 2018
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission – Draft Strategic Plan 2019-22 Consultation
We want to hear your views. The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC) would like to hear your views on our draft Strategic Plan 2019-22.
You can read our draft Strategic Plan here.
You can read the statement from our Chief Commissioner Les Allamby here.
You can fill out our questionnaire here.
Following on from our stakeholder engagement, we have drawn up a draft Strategic Plan 2019-22 which we are presenting for consultation.
We would welcome your views on the following:
(i) Do you agree with our vision, mission and principles? If not, how can they be improved?
(ii) Are the strategic priorities selected the right ones? If not, what would you suggest instead and why?
(iii) Are the actions outlined under each strategic priority the right ones? If not, what is missing and what do you think we should be doing.
(iv) Are the areas of working age poverty, housing need and homelessness and children in care the right areas to focus on with economic and social rights? If not what would you suggest instead.
The deadline for views is Friday 15 March 2019.
You can contact us via a number of ways below: