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NI Human Rights Commission visit Coláiste Feirste

12 Feb 2019

The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC) has visited Coláiste Feirste as part of their educational engagement pilot.

The NIHRC spoke to Year 12 pupils looking at human rights as part of their Citizenship class.

Students heard from Chief Commissioner Les Allamby on the work and role of the Commission in promoting and protecting human rights in Northern Ireland.

Pupils also watched a short film about hidden homelessness in Northern Ireland created by the NIHRC and the Simon Community.

Principal of Coláiste Feirste, Mícheal Mac Giolla Ghunna said:

“We at Coláiste Feirste were very pleased to invite Les, David and Jason form the NI Human Rights Commission to the school. The area of Human Rights is a very important subject as we strive to equip our students for the world we live in today. Human Rights is a very topical matter at present, not least when talking about language rights. Again I, on behalf of the school, would like to thank the commission for their time in working with our pupils.

Chief Commissioner, Les Allamby, commented:

“I was delighted to engage with a lively group of students and field questions on a range of issues. It is an important part of our work to engage with young people who are considering the issues of human rights and equality in the context of wider citizenship. I would like to thank the staff for facilitating the visit.”


Further information:

For further information please contact Claire Martin on: (028) 9024 3987 or by email on

Notes to Editors

1. The animation on the work of the NI Human Rights Commission can be viewed here.

2. The Hidden Homelessness video can be viewed here.

3. The NI Human Rights Commission is a statutory public body established in 1999 to promote and protect human rights. In accordance with the Paris Principles the Commission reviews the adequacy and effectiveness of measures undertaken by the UK Government to promote and protect human rights, specifically within Northern Ireland (NI).

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