NIHRC celebrates International Women’s Day with podcast on gender budgeting
To celebrate International Women's Day (8 March), the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission has launched the first episode of its latest podcast series ‘Shared Goals’, with special guest, Aoife Mallon, Research and Engagement Associate at the University of Ulster.
Focusing on the topic of gender budgeting, Aoife explains the concept including how it is being used in different countries and how it could be utilised in a Northern Irish context to promote gender equality. The podcast explores the challenges and advantages of using this approach to organise public finances, and how it could benefit human rights to adopt it in Northern Ireland.
Aoife addresses how gender budgeting fits into a human rights framework, and tackles misconceptions and myths around the concept, highlighting how it can address structural inequalities and ultimately benefit all in society.
Alyson Kilpatrick, Chief Commissioner of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, said:
“To mark International Women’s Day, we are delighted to welcome Aoife Mallon, from Ulster University, on NIHRC’s podcast ‘Shared Goals’. At a time for action to accelerate equality for women, understanding gender budgeting is more critical than ever.
Gender budgeting is a tool to address human rights inequalities because it demonstrates how budgets can disproportionately affect genders and be affected by gender. Its focus is to allocate and use public finances to achieve the best outcome for everyone thereby better ensuring equality across society.
The podcast considers this approach and how it can enhance the practical implementation of human rights duties, including the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. We will listen with a keen interest and consider how this approach can be used to achieve better outcomes in Northern Ireland.”
Aoife Mallon, Research and Engagement Associate at the University of Ulster added:
“By making better linkages between policies and budgets, improving transparency in the budget process and analysing the equality impacts of budgets through a gender lens, gender budgeting has the potential to improve long-term fiscal stability, ensure sustainable public service delivery and improve equality outcomes for all people living in Northern Ireland.”
To listen to the podcast search ‘Shared Goals’ on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcast, or click here.
About the podcast
This is the first episode of the second season of the Shared Goals podcast, which shines the spotlight on current human rights issues here in Northern Ireland.
Follow the Shared Goals podcast here: Shared Goals | Podcast on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
This episode features NIHRC staff Dr Hannah Russell, Senior Policy and Research Officer, and Lucy Keown, Engagement and Communications Officer, interviewing Aoife Mallon, Research and Engagement Associate at the University of Ulster. This episode was produced by Jason McKeown and Natalia Gima.
About gender budgeting
Find out more about gender budgeting and the work of the ARK project at Ulster University: Gender Budgeting | ARK - Access Research Knowledge
Contact Aoife Mallon:
Further reading