NIHRC Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Racial Equality Directive
Date produced April 2022
Below is a summary of the recommendations.
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3.3 the Racial Equality Directive be amended to include legal protections against racial discrimination in situations of eviction, contact with administration, access to free, cultural and social events, situations involving the police or other control authorities, and the justice system.
4.15 there be stronger recognition of multiple discrimination and the provision of a mechanism for individuals to bring intersectional claims within the Racial Equality Directive, as a minimum standard.
5.11 the Racial Equality Directive be amended to make mandatory a duty on all public authorities to collect, analyse and monitor equality data.
6.13 in line with UN and Council of Europe standards and recommendations, the Racial Equality Directive be amended to include a recognition of sectarianism within the framing of racial discrimination
6.20 the EU Commission give further consideration to whether nationality should be a protected characteristic under the Racial Equality Directive, to maximise protection for every individual within each jurisdiction bound by the Directive.
6.29 the Racial Equality Directive be amended to recognise and include discrimination arising from the use of algorithmic and data-driven technology within Article 3 (Scope).
7.5 the Racial Equality Directive be amended to include a requirement that all jurisdictions to which the Directive applies take steps to strengthen, simplify and harmonise anti-discrimination protections across all protected categories.
7.6 the Racial Equality Directive be amended to include a specific acknowledgement of the significance of Protocol Article 2 and the keep pace obligations for racial equality in NI.
7.14 the Racial Equality Directive be amended to require jurisdictions

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