Note for committee stage in HoL on Police bill

Last Updated: Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Shortly after the NIHRC was established it discussed whether to make a submission to

the Patten Commission, which was then still sitting. We decided not to do so because, as
members of a new body which was still finding its feet, we felt that we could not
formulate an agreed submission in time. Instead we ensured that the Patten Commission
was made fully aware of all the international human rights standards which impact on
policing and we undertook to examine the report of the Patten Commission with those
standards in mind. In the interim we also agreed to meet with the RUC’s Human Rights
Act Implementation Working Group. We have since observed training on that Act being

note-for-the-committee-stage-in-the-house-of-commons-on police-bill-june-2000.pdf