Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Strategic Plan 2022-2025

Last Updated: Tuesday, 11 June 2024

This Strategic Plan identifies the five priorities that will guide the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission’s work for the next three years. It includes our commitments and how we will achieve them.

The five strategic priorities are:

  1. To keep under review law and practice and advise government for the benefit of everyone across Northern Ireland.
  2. To ensure that rights protection is not diminished as a result of United Kingdom having left the European Union and where required ensure that Northern Ireland keeps pace with changes in European Union equality laws.
  3. To build a society in which human rights are better understood, protected and valued, making a positive impact upon the delivery of services.
  4. To work in partnership with other human rights and equality bodies to maximise human rights protection.
  5. To be a learning organisation, improving our skills to achieve the greatest impact.

We have identified a number of themes that require closer attention. In the course of achieving our strategic objectives we will pay particular attention to the following:

Impact of poverty on quality of living

This will include, in particular:

  • Housing and homelessness
  • Health and social provision

Victims’ Rights

This will include in particular:

  • Victims of domestic and sexual violence
  • Proposals for dealing with the legacy of the Northern Ireland conflict

Access to justice

This will include, in particular:

  • Rule of law
  • Discrimination and inequality